RICHMOND, Va., July 25, 2018 /PRNewswire/ A new book from The Oaklea Press cites considerable evidence for and explores the ramifications of a force that conventional science has yet to recognize. Entitled The Invisible Force: Esoteric but Essential Knowledge from Jesus, the Mystics, and Unfettered Science, the author draws upon a number of highly-credible sources, including two full professors at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, two Fellows of Britain's Royal Society of Science, and a full professor at the Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons. The Kindle edition is free to download July 25 through 29. Follow this link:
The author, noted metaphysician Stephen Hawley Martin, said, "I believe anyone who reads this book with an open mind will agree The Invisible Force is real and is constantly at work creating the circumstances of our lives. Once individuals know what this book reveals, they will have a choice. They can follow urges that come from their egos, in which case they will continue to encounter obstacles, ills, and setbacks, or they can align themselves and work with The Invisible Force and see things fall into place and begin to work for them."
When jokingly asked if the Force is like that in the Star Wars movies, Martin said, "That force was inspired by the work of the late Joseph Campbell, a professor of comparative mythology and one of the few people ever to know about the real force I write about. But Star Wars is fiction and the writers modified Joseph Campbell's force to make a good story. Let's say, there may be similarities, but it's not the same."
Stephen Hawley Martin is the author of a current Kindle e-book bestseller in its category, Life After Death, Powerful Evidence You Will Never Die, and the winner of a number of national awards for both fiction and nonfiction books. For more than two years he hosted a successful weekly Internet talk show, "The Truth about Life," which averaged 30,000 listener downloads per episode.
Totaling 85,604 words, the Kindle, ASIN: B07FC7M58N, is priced at $3.99, and the trade paperback edition, ISBN-13: 978-1722784522, at $12.95.
The Oaklea Press was established in 1995 and currently has 45 books in print.
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SOURCE The Oaklea Press Inc.