Young Dreams Publications (YDP) presents new author, Ty Waller's debut novel "My Journey to Life: The Journey Series." The novel is a "true-to-life" fiction tale of a young female living in Chicago who faces obstacles of abuse, rape, and abortion. She eventually overcomes but the road to recovery is not without the trying of her faith. The strong-hearted protagonist's tagline is: "I was born dead but one day I found my way to life."
One reader explodes in awe of the novel in a review. "This book was so vivid and real it could have been written by so many of us women who prefer the bad boy while proclaiming we are searching for a good man. It's refreshing and its [sic] a page- turner! I can't wait to follow Ty Waller's career as an author!" -Amazon Customer Reviews. About Young Dreams Publications (YDP)Videos