Brattleboro, VT
According to ASEMC Press, 'An Upraised Chalice - Adventures and Near-Death Encounters in My Search for the Brotherhood of Light' is a spiritual adventure story that spans the earth. Many have turned away from traditional organized religions to explore their own relationship with the Divine. The author is one of these seekers and this book chronicles his coming to terms with an inner understanding of reincarnation, which he could faintly remember as a boy and sought to understand more fully as he grew older. It follows him to many of the world's sacred places-across Europe to the Middle East, from Jerusalem to Istanbul, then overland across Asia to Himalayan monasteries, from Darjeeling to Saranath where the Buddha taught his first sermon, from the cremation vats of Benares on the banks of the Ganges to the mystical plains of South India.
It is the inspiring story of a lifetime's quest for the sacred, ancient wisdom, alluded to by the mystical traditions of the world's cultures. All of this while experiencing the teachings and miraculous intercessions of the Great Ones-the great masters, sages and saints of East and West who comprise the Brotherhood of Light.
The 5-Star ForeWord Review of 'An Upraised Chalice' states "Nothing gets one's attention like one's imminent demise - the book chronicles the remarkable travels, adventures and near-death experiences that have marked the authors quest to discover the meaning of life. The practical insights detailed here, born of experience, cut across religious boundaries to convey a vibrant spirituality in plain, accessible language."
'An Upraised Chalice - Adventures and Near-Death Encounters in My Search for the Brotherhood of Light' - (ISBN 978-0-9912635-0-9) is now available in print and eBook around the world from Amazon and in the US by Barnes & Noble and bookstores everywhere via New Leaf Distributing Company. The eBook is available via Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Apple iTunes.