The story follows David Silver, a detective who uncovers a secret network of resorts that cater to the rich and powerful, featuring child exploitation as the main attraction. Stonewalled by the federal agencies, David takes it upon himself, risking his life, to rescue the children who were ripped from their homes and sold for sexual exploitation. David, however, is not only battling their captors but also the wealth and powerful organization behind the resort.
“The sexual exploitation of children is an ongoing problem in society, both globally and near the home of every reader. It is a problem that is often out of sight and out of mind,” Nichols stresses. “My hope is that the story will motivate readers to take action and offer their time and treasure to help stop exploitation.”
“Piercing the Darkness” goes beyond the investigation of missing children or even their exploitation. The author reveals that it digs deeper to uncover a community of people, to include the wealthy and powerful, who are organized for the purpose of preying on innocent children and fulfilling their own hedonistic lust. It tells a story where good and evil overlap as characters struggle within themselves, pitting values against survival in an ultimate test of character.
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“Piercing the Darkness”
By J.J. Nichols
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 308 pages | ISBN 9781984562210
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 308 pages | ISBN 9781984562203
E-Book | 308 pages | ISBN 9781984562197
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
J.J. Nichols was born and raised in Minnesota. Deeply affected by the abduction of Jacob Wettering, another Minnesota boy about the same age, he chose a career in law enforcement. While having an impact investigating crimes against children, he saw many cases that showed the depravity that those children were subjected to. The often hidden plight of children suffering exploitation led Nichols to write his first novel, “Piercing the Darkness,” reaching out to the reader to bring hidden atrocities out of the darkness and into the light.