Native Americans used their stories to teach the children the traditions of their grandfathers. It was in this way that local customs were passed down and lessons were taught about how to live off the land and track animals. It was with stories they learned to grow crops and thrive in their natural environment.
Included in this book are a large collection of legends featuring: Anywhere is the Center of the World, Native American Blessing, Origin of the Pleiades, The Woman Who Fell from the Sky, The Jicarilla Genesis, Grandmother Spider Steals the Fire, White Bead Woman, The Origin of Corn, Origin of Corn II, The Hunter and Selu, Paíyatuma and the Maidens of the Corn, Myth of the White Buffalo Woman, The Great Spirit Names the Animal People: How Coyote Came by his Powers, Manabozho and the "Hell-Diver", Wakdjunkaga, Trickster, The Origin of Eternal Death, How Coyote Stole Fire, The Lame Warrior, The Stone Boy, First Creator and Lone Man Version 1, Crow Necklace And His Medicine Ceremony, The Story of Hungry Wolf, Origin of the Sweat Lodge, Origin Of The Medicine Lodge, Inuit Story Of The Northern Lights and many more.
This book also looks back at the Native American people's personal stories in their own words, with quotes spanning across history. Rounding out this book is a collection of Native American songs, poems and prayers.
For further information, on his writing visit G.W. Mullins' web site at For information on the art of C.L. Hause visit his web site at
G.W. Mullins is a Native American of Cherokee decent. He has been a published author for several years releasing several titles that are based in Native American history and folklore. He recently released book one in his From The Dead Of Night Series, the best-selling novel Daniel Is Waiting, which is available on, Kobo, Google Book Store, Books-A-Million, Barnes and Noble and other book sellers worldwide.
C.L. Hause is an award winning artist who possesses a Bachelor Of Arts Degree specializing in Studio Art. He was the winner of the 2013 Johnny Hart Memorial Award as well of several others. He has always been inspired by nature, primitive and Native American design. He is currently finishing his MFA Degree in New York City.
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