In his timely new book, "Better than ObamaCare (A Free Market Solution to Healthcare)" (published by Lulu), retired physician Nelson A. Paguyo draws upon years of research to present a step-by-step method for implementing an effective healthcare plan for Americans.
Paguyo's healthcare initiative guarantees every American comprehensive healthcare coverage and lets them choose their own providers. "It is a consumer-oriented and market-driven healthcare system that maximizes free market economic principles, particularly that of competitive bidding, that can be adapted and implemented in other countries," he explains.
In addition to outlining his plan to improve healthcare, Paguyo's book gives a historical review of the U.S. healthcare system from post-WWII to the present and compares it with the seven most well-known healthcare systems in the rest of the world. The author examines and evaluates what he has identified as the 13 dominant U.S. healthcare problems, recommending solutions to each.
The plan laid out in "Better than ObamaCare (A Free Market Solution to Healthcare)" features provisions that assure funding for health education from K-12 as a preventative measure for unhealthy lifestyles, outlines the financing process of research and development needed and discusses how to reserve healthcare funds at the federal and state levels to ensure sustainability.
"A critical number of Americans is needed to move this healthcare advocacy forward to realization," Paguyo tells readers. "Please help!"
"Better than ObamaCare (A Free Market Solution to Healthcare)"
By Nelson A. Paguyo, M.D.
Softcover | 6 x 9 in | 218 pages | ISBN 9781300875321
About the Author
Nelson A. Paguyo is a retired physician of 42 years with 20 years in private solo practice and 12 years with an HMO. He was a member of the American Medical Association, the Minnesota Medical Association, Hennepin County and Ramsey County medical societies and various subspecialty groups. He was a member of the medical staff at various Minneapolis/St. Paul hospitals, where he also served as chair of different hospital communities.