In her debut story, author Nasha Poulin invites readers to travel through history and galaxies with a young archaeologist who discovered a dormant extraterrestrial life form that leads her on an odyssey to space.
Poulin creates a thrilling science fiction journey in her new novella, "Geepeus" (published by AuthorHouse). Geepeus is a humanoid robot on a quest to recreate and monitor the humanoid species after their long-awaited rediscovery. Poulin incorporates classic science fiction themes such as space travel, extraterrestrial life and futuristic technology.
Poulin's inspiration for her novella came from her love of science fiction, mythology and real life space stories. In "Geepeus," she ties together space travel and historical events to bring her story to life.
This is Poulin's first science fiction novella. With her knack for storytelling, she wishes to provide science fiction enthusiasts and young adults an entertaining journey from beginning to end.
By Nasha Poulin
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 108 pages | ISBN 9781491867976
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 108 pages | ISBN 9781491867983
E-Book | 108 pages | ISBN 9781491867969
Available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Author House
About the Author
Nasha Poulin lives north of Montréal, Canada, in a chalet-style house near a large woodland, where big crows, wild birds and squirrels visit her feeders every morning. On a clear night, the sky is fabulous, providing the author's imagination with many stories. "Geepeus" is Poulin's first science fiction novel.
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