"We bring comic books to life," says Robert Kalocai, CEO of Nanits. "The platform makes the digital comic reading experience richer than ever. Digital comics when viewed in Nanits Reader include original soundtracks, an illusion of 3D depth, and page free scrolling - everything that you expect from digital comics in the 21st century."
"We're excited to launch three new comic book series showcasing amazing stories and characters: Nanits Chronicles - Underground, Sherlock Holmes by Petr Kopl, and the WormWorld Saga by Daniel Lieske," Robert mentioned.
For indie comic book artists, Nanits offers a new solution to create and distribute digital comics - Nanits Composer. The new tool allows artists to upload their digital comics, overlay them onto an interactive, visual storyboard and add an original produced soundtrack from the Nanits Universe bank. Once approved, the comic is published and available immediately on the Nanits Reader iOS or Android application. The artist has the opportunity to earn up to 70% of the sales of their digital comic books on the Nanits Reader application.
Nanits Composer will be demoed at Silicon Valley ComicCon in San Jose and for those not attending can send an email to beta(at)nanitsuniverse(dot)com to request early access.
About Nanits Universe and Availability:
Nanits Universe was launched in 2016 with a goal of making digital comic books more memorable and interactive. the company helps indie comic book artists create and distribute their comic books to a global audience. For more information about Nanits Universe go to http://www.nanitsuniverse.com or search for "Nanits" on the App Store or Google Play.
Veronika Sirinova, Nanits Universe, Ltd.
(415) 319-1482, veronika(at)nanitsuniverse(dot)com