For many immigrants, the goal is to completely amalgamate to the surrounding region. However, for Dr. Naiyer Habib and his wife, Mahlaqa, this was not enough.
The couple struggled to blend into their new home in Regina, Saskatchewan while maintaining elements of their Indian culture such as religion and traditions. They disclose their journey in the new book, "History of the Muslims of Regina, Saskatchewan: A Cultural Integration."
"We moved during a time when literature on Islam or Islamic culture was hard to find in English, so it was difficult for our new neighbors to learn about us," Naiyer Habib said. "Through Islamic organizations we started and those begun by others around us, we successfully introduced Canadians to Islam and Muslims to Regina."
"History of the Muslims of Regina, Saskatchewan: A Cultural Integration" demonstrates that it's not always easy to incorporate a familiar culture in a new home, but with hard work and the willingness of all cultures involved to learn from each other, it can be done successfully.
"History of the Muslims of Regina, Saskatchewan, and Their Organizations: A Cultural Integration"
By Naiyer Habib and Mahlaqa Naushaba Habib
ISBN: 978-1-49075-201-3
Available at: Amazon, Trafford and Barnes and Noble online bookstores
About the Authors
Naiyer Habib was a respected Cardiologist, researcher and medical administrator in Regina, Saskatchewan, until 2004 before retiring in 2011 in Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada where he leads semiretired life.
Mahlaqa Naushaba Habib completed her Master's degree in Political science. She became her husband's office manager until their retirement. They have served the Muslim community for approximately three decades. They are currently working on their memoir.