The National Nursing Centers Consortium (NNCC) is proud to announce the release of Nurse-led Health Clinics: Operations, Policy, and Opportunities. Published by Springer Publishing Company, the book examines both historical and existing barriers to care and underscores how nurses and nurse managed health centers (NMHCs) are uniquely positioned to lead the expansion of access to primary and preventive health care across the nation.
With a national movement under way, focusing on innovative, cost-effective solutions to health care disparities, affordable and high-quality care can become a reality for everyone. At the forefront of this evolution of health care models, policy and dialogue are NMHCs. The book will appeal to anyone with an interest in innovative solutions to the nation's health care challenges, as it offers a glimpse into the future of our evolving health care system.
"Nursing and nurse-led care as a solution to addressing gaps in care is not a new concept," said Tine Hansen-Turton, executive director of NNCC and one of the book's editors. "The nurse-led care movement is gaining momentum as the public and policymakers continue to realize that advanced practice nurses have not only the education and skills to effectively treat patients, but often times, patient satisfaction is higher when care is provided directly by nurses."
NMHCs are defined by a number of criteria, with the primary element of nurses being responsible for all patient care and operations. At NMHCs, highly skilled and educated nurse practitioners diagnose and treat patients, as well as manage the care continuum in a team-based approach with a full care-team.
"NMHCs are especially important to underserved populations," said Susan Sherman, MA, RN, President and CEO of the Independence Foundation and co-editor of the book. "Because nurse practitioners provide comprehensive health services at affordable costs, they expand access to care for patients who are most vulnerable."
"Nurse practitioners are known for their blended skills of case finding, educating patients in health and illness management, and opening the gates to what could be the future of health care in this nation," said Loretta Ford, RN, PNP, EdD, FAAN, FAANP, co-founder of the nation's first nurse practitioner program. "The data on the spread of nurse-led services, the millions of patients served, and the high level of patient acceptance and satisfaction position nurse-led care to fit well into the health care reform legislation to improve 21st century health care."
In addition to providing historical context to the modern NMHC, the book delves into the current policy and funding challenges that NMHCs face, which include legal barriers to full scope of practice. It also serves as a resource for nurse practitioners considering opening their own clinics with detailed analysis of various practice models and strategies for sustainability.
The book is co-authored by Tine Hansen-Turton, MGA, JD, FCPP, FAAN, Susan Sherman, MA, RN, and Eunice King, PhD, RN. Organizational contributors include National Nursing Centers Consortium, an affiliate of Public Health Management Corporation (PHMC); Independence Foundation; Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; Convenient Care Association, supported by PHMC; National League for Nursing; and American Association of Colleges of Nursing, among others.
The book can be purchased directly through Springer Publishing Company and Amazon.
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About NNCC:
NNCC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit member association that advocates for nurse practitioners as primary providers of health care and serves as an incubator for innovative, replicable, community-based health education and outreach programs. The organization's mission is to advance nurse-led health care through policy, consultation, programs and applied research to reduce health disparities and meet people's primary care and wellness needs. As part of this mission, NNCC works with organizations around the country to build healthy communities through community-based programs that help people lead healthier and safer lives.
NNCC, an affiliate of Public Health Management Corporation, was officially incorporated in 2001 after being founded in the early 1990s by a group of advanced practice nurses in Philadelphia. From there, NNCC has grown into a national organization representing approximately 250 nurse-managed clinics across the country. For more information, please see