N.M. Lander debuts into the publishing world with "The December Angel," an imposing work of fiction that revolves around the life of a woman whose life and dreams are reduced to shambles after her husband's death. As she strives to stand and rebuild the ruin that is left of her life, her broken and grieving heart stands in the way and brings her to her knees again.
Life was perfect for professional writer, Mariella. With Dan, her ideal husband, their two loving daughters, and a more than stable job, she could not ask for more. When Dan is diagnosed with leukemia, there is nothing else she could do other than watch as her life crumbles down right before her eyes. Mariella and her two young girls witness as the dearest man in their lives wastes away day by day. And even though being there beside him meant pain and constant reminders of the short time they were to see him alive, they utilized whatever time there was left to bond.
After Dan passes away, moving on is no easy feat. She tries to keep life normal in New England as a widower, busying herself with the quotidian task of sending her children to school every day, but to no avail. Convinced that a new place would hasten her recovery from shock and grief, she and her two young girls move in a town outside of Nashville, Tennessee, called Golden Oaks. Moving to the South and leaving her northern life behind her, she takes a shot at running a local bed and breakfast while still writing. Here, she meets Jordan, a professional hockey player and coach from her daughter's hockey team. Perhaps, he can set her free from her life of pain.
As she braves the rough patch she finds herself in, readers can follow Mariella and find out if new love can mend a broken heart in "The December Angel."
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About the Author
N.M. Lander is a writer by night and a stay-at-home mom during daytime. Lander takes her experiences in life and those told to her, jotting them down on paper. She loves learning and experiencing new adventures, and if something catches her eyes, she is not afraid to write them down in hopes that they will inspire and be turned into something interesting, creative, and inspiring. This is her first novella, completed in May 2013 after her second daughter was born. She lives in a small town in Pennsylvania with husband Marc, her two little girls, aged 3 and 1, and her black Labrador retriever, Kato.
The December Angel * by N.M. Lander
Publication Date: September 19, 2013
Trade Paperback; $15.99; 85 pages; 978-1-4836-9411-5
Trade Hardback; $24.99; 85 pages; 978-1-4836-9412-2
eBook; $3.99; 978-1-4836-9413-9
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