According to, 77 percent of all students reported being verbally bullied while at school in the year 2013. Recently, 49 states have passed anti-bullying laws in the hopes of seeing that percentage decrease; however, as far as author Linda Bartlett is concerned, the damage is already done.
In her new book, "Never Alone", Bartlett looks back on her journey of raising a child with disabilities and the intense battle against bullies her family faced. This heartbreaking and inspiring story is a true account of her son's powerful determination to live against all medical odds and other obstacles he faced on his way to spiritual enlightenment.
"I wrote this book to provide hope to people who have experienced, or are currently experiencing, overwhelming challenges in life, as well as to bring more awareness of the everlasting effects of severe bullying that is occurring in today's society," Bartlett said.
"Never Alone" will inspire readers to overcome any obstacle. It provides hope and encouragement, especially to those dealing with the effects of bullying as a result of a disability.
"Never Alone"
By: Linda Bartlett
ISBN: 978-1-4525-8628-1 (sc); 978-1-4525-8630-4 (hc); 978-1-4525-8629-8 (e)
Softcover: $11.99
Hardcover: $28.95
Ebook: $6.99
Available at Barnes and Noble, Amazon and Balboa Press
About the Author
Bartlett grew up in a central Texas town and has always had a passion for travel. After traveling through Europe, she moved back to Texas to raise her family. Today, she works as an operating principal at a real estate franchise in Austin, Texas. She enjoys spending time with her children Jeffrey and Stephanie, traveling and sharing the message of her book.