The story rolls back to 1958. They are not Happy Days. Russia beats Uncle Sam into space. Rock & Roll takes a hit as federal indictments levy payola charges against some big name disc jockeys. Across a troubled ocean, the U.S. 7th Fleet fights off a Communist invasion threat at the Quenoy Islands. Locally, the Hollisters of Delaware Township keep a date with death in Lower Elks County, where men folk wear bib overalls and tell campfire tales of the Jersey Devil.
Intrigue laces this tale as Ms Hollister commits a cold blooded killing in front of her millionaire husband, Rodney Hollister - and gets away scott free, while two backwoods lawmen named Walker Thomas and Bo Brennan fail to solve the crime. Thomas is a county detective and all but cracks the case in 1958, but cannot locate the weapon. Hobbs Creek Police Chief, William Bo Brennan is more concerned with fishing poles and catfish. The victim is a 23 year old boy who suffers from "motor slowness." His father is wealthy bank president, John Kane who can match Rodney Hollister, dollar for dollar. Thus, the unseen battle pits money against money. Eventually, a rookie agent named Jeremy Wade tracks down Ms Hollister's accomplice who holds the missing piece to the Elmer Kane, murder mystery. The story jumps from yesteryear to today, and unfolds in typical Keyes' fast clip fashion. "Who Dun It" fans will know up front who did it. Few will figure out how it was done.Videos