Her mother's death created a big gaping hole in Janice Costello's life. She suddenly realized she does not know her mother that much after all of those years being with her. This realization made her want to share her own expectations and how she approached challenges in her own life which led her in writing "My Personal History My Story" (published by Xlibris AU).
This book is about recording Costello's life's journey with all its bumps and slips, to how she handled hurdles, funny incidences and the things she learned along the way. It shares how she had to walk out of one pattern she was following in life, before she could see the next door to go through, that would lead her in a different direction, new adventures and how everyday in life can have real meaning.
"We can become stuck in a dull place, feeling life is pretty worthless. But I have found many people following these themes, looking at similar incidences in their own lives, realize they have lived good honest eventful lives, then they feel they have an identify again," Costello says.
"My Personal History My Story" shows how Costello re-invented herself. Her story will remind readers that life is important and that there is a big world out there ready to be explored.
"My Personal History My Story"
By Janice Costello
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 148 pages | ISBN 9781514445679
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 148 pages | ISBN 9781514445686
E-Book | 148 pages | ISBN 9781514445693
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
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