Compelling and fascinating, Bigger than Reality and Less than Fantasy is a meaningful collection of eclectic short stories that depict several facets of the human experience. Created by Mohammad Mashat, this exhilarating book paints a vivacious picture of some of the most intriguing and significant episodes in the lives of several different characters. Featuring various locations and periods in Saudi Arabia, this versatile book illustrates the country's significant time spans, from before the creation of the country, all the way to present time.
A beautifully crafted compilation of literary works, this book takes readers to a place enriched with culture and deeply embedded in rich tradition. It speaks about growth and how human beings evolve as they interact with their society, along with its standards, beliefs and even contradictions. Offering a rich study of human nature, this work presents an exemplary character development, in which readers will be able to relate to both the characters' strengths and human frailties.
An eye-opening glimpse into the realities of Saudi Arabian citizens, their heritage and culture, this creative masterpiece takes readers to various journeys that in the end, teaches them about appreciation for diversity and how people are influenced by their environment, civilization and way of life.
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About the Author
Mohammad Mashat is a well-known Saudi poet and writer. He has a Bachelor Degree in Mathematics in University of Texas at Austin. He has a Master of Science Degree in Management, ADL School of Management, Cambridge, Mass. Mashat has been chosen in 1995 by Albabtain Arabic Poetry Anthology in Kuwait, to be one of major present-time Arab poets. He writes weekly and monthly articles for major Saudi Newspaper and magazines. He has read his poems in Poetry Reciting Evenings in major literary and cultural clubs in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. He held executive jobs in Saudi Organizations such as Petromin, Samarec, Aramco, and Al Madina Corp. He published three books in 1988, 2001, and 2007, and one book about the Saudi oil industry in 2011.
Bigger than Reality and Less than Fantasy * by Mohammad Mashat
Publication Date: November 21, 2012
Trade Paperback; AU$19.99; 101pages; 978-1-4797-4027-7
Trade Hardback; AU$39.99; 101 pages; 978-1-4797-4028-4
Ebook; AU$3.99; 978-1-4797-4029-1
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