FBI hero Pete Dobbins, goes undercover as a major league baseball player to investigate a string of murders and gets far more than he bargained for in The Diamond Deception.
Author, Mike Gallagher pulls from his life-long love of sports and crime thrillers to create a one-of-a kind novel featuring a murder mystery inside the high profile world of professional baseball. The Diamond Deception keeps both sports lovers and adventure seekers on their toes with the many plot twists and unexpected turns.
As a former minor league baseball player turned FBI agent, Dobbins, attempts a career comeback in order to uncover the secrets of three murders in three different cities. Dobbins must fight for not only his life but also an innocent man wrongly convicted. Readers will take away more than an adrenaline rush from this fast-paced, high stakes novel through Gallagher's complex and intriguing character line up.
"I love the dichotomy in the book," says Gallagher. "We have the wholesome, all-American game of baseball twisted up with dealings of a criminal organization," says Gallagher.
The Diamond Deception
By Mike Gallagher
ISBN: 978-1-47729-609-7
Available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and AuthorHouse online bookstores.
About the author:
After 25 years working in credit management, Mike Gallagher releases The Diamond Deception, combining his passion for baseball and crime-thriller novels. He currently lives in Anthem, Ariz. with his wife and two children.