Mickey R. Mullen's 2002 book " The Way The Truth and The Life" (published by Trafford Publishing) by Mickey R. Mullen is receiving new marketing materials touting its recent inclusion in the Trafford Publishing Gold Seal program, which recognizes excellence in writing and overall potential.
Mullen has had quite a life. He had a rocky introduction to religion when at just 3 years old, he was beaten by his father - a man who was a preacher for four years. Influenced by the turmoil of the '60s and what he learned in the childhood church services he attended, Mullen often wondered if religion was real.
Mullen describes the day he first went - unenthusiastically - to a church service. He sat sour-faced in the back of the church, his arms folded in apathy.
"A woman asked me, 'Do you love Jesus?' I just looked at her and said no," Mullen says.
That is when something extraordinary happened. At the altar call, Mullen recalls feeling the Spirit of convictions and he went to the altar, asking God to help him after years of drinking, smoking, swearing and sex for sport. After attending services for two months, he left church one Sunday night and, while on a payphone at a gas station, he felt like he'd been hit by lightning. It was then that Mullen says God gave him a new heart. Thirty days later he received a new Spirit in the mouth as Jesus did and fasted three days and nights. He then received John's baptism, just as Jesus had.
Mullen writes his memoir in order to show people that no matter how removed one gets from having a good life, when someone is lost and alone, he or she can still be turned around unexpectedly. But he also explains flaws he has found in the Bible and that much of the Word is meant to be taken allegorically, and not to be believed literally, but sparingly.
Although he has changed his old ways, Mullen is no stranger to controversy. He uses his perspective as a Christian who has intensely studied the King James Bible of 1611 for years to offer warnings to other Christians to prevent them from going down the wrong path.
"The Way The Truth and The Life"
By Mickey R. Mullen
Hardcover | 7 x 10 in | 102 pages | ISBN 9781412201483
Softcover | 7 x 10 in | 102 pages | ISBN 9781552127742
E-Book | ISBN 9781412243605
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Mickey R. Mullen lives in Casper, Wyoming, and works as a carpenter when not writing.
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