Set in present-day Pennsylvania, protagonist Jake Daniels, a celebrity martial artist, embarks on a journey of self-discovery after tragically losing his memory. When he crosses paths with a God-fearing Amish girl, Daniels embraces her way of life and community, all the while warding off the looming threat of the Japanese mafia.
"God is the one who put this story on my heart," Sabadus said. "I wrote it to honor him."
Composed in the style of a screenplay, Sabadus hopes readers will experience "Everything for Love" as if they are watching a film - scene by scene and shot by shot. Through its heavy emphasis on the importance of faith, the book provides its audience with the unforgettable story of how God's love conquers hearts, rescues the lost and restores faith.
"Everything for Love"
By Victor, L. Sabadus
ISBN: 978-1-512-76487-1 (paperback); 978-1-512-76486-4 (electronic)
Available at the WestBow Press Online Bookstore, Barnes & Noble and Amazon
About the author
Victor, L. Sabadus holds a bachelor's degree in business administration with a minor in Christian studies, an associate's degree in digital video production and a certificate in film directing. A long-time movie buff, Sabadus currently resides in Troy, Mich. To learn more, please visit
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LAVIDGE - Phoenix
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