Local author Michelle Williams recently teamed up with Tate Publishing to begin the publication process of her new book My Name is Ruth.
A poignant book based on Williams' life experiences, the author shares how she was delivered from her circumstances and how she can help other women come to their place of salvation.
"As a child, I faced life changing circumstances that would mold, and shape my way of thinking. It was much distorted. Not understanding how to deal with rejection, it caused me to go into a cocoon; and I was not able to express my thoughts and feelings. I didn't know how to communicate... My dad loved me, this I know, but his choices in his childhood were also taken to some point. He was not a good communicator. So I pretty much did what I was told," shared Williams.
The Tate Publishing acquisitions editor that signed the book, Stacy Baker, was moved by Williams words and concept when reading the manuscript, sharing "From a life of brokenness, Author Michele Williams speaks from her heart in her new book. She knows what it is like to make mistakes that leave an impact. In the midst of life's valleys, she knows that God can 'turn your midnight into day' as she so eloquently phrases it. He want to take those mistakes, that sin, and with his love, show you how you can rise up from your brokenness."
When asked about her inspiration to write the book, Williams shared that "not having the support I needed when going through [her own] trials... put [her] in a place of isolation." Working to help others overcome the shame and guilt that she herself struggled with, Williams wrote the book to encourage others, using inspiration from the people with which she was able to "share [her] heart and not be condemned."
Williams believes that endurance is one of they key qualities that ensured her transformation, stating "I refused to quit. The more the trials, the more motivated I became." She hopes to share the same transforming motivation and endurance with her readers. "Hopefully after people read this book they will be encouraged and fight to change... that they get an understanding of who God created them to be and that change is possible."
Published by Tate Publishing and Enterprises, the book will be available upon its release through bookstores nationwide, from the publisher at www.tatepublishing.com/bookstore, or by visiting barnesandnoble.com or amazon.com.
Williams was raised in church, but didn't fully understand what it meant to have a relationship with Christ until adulthood. She is a mother of two, including one special needs child and son in his thirties. She also has one grandchild.
For more information or interview requests please contact Michelle Whitman, publicist, at (405) 458-5642 or send an email to michelle@keymgc.com
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