Summer is drawing to a close on the island. Manolis, who owns and manages the only hotel, discusses with his childhood friend the comings and goings, the lives and deaths and the loves and relationships of the visitors and locals alike that have transpired during the season. They sit next to the sea smoking, drinking and reminiscing.
This is a book which will offer you the sense of the ambience and rhythm of life on a Greek island and the culture that still exists on some of the smaller and more remote islands.
This work is available in multiple formats:
Paperback (104 pages) ISBN 9781912639014
Kindle eBook ASIN B079TQKYR6
About Patricia Frew
Patricia is a retired accountant. Born and brought up in Scotland but has lived and worked in Canada, the Caribbean and the South East of England.
She has one daughter and two grandchildren.
On retirement, she decided to try something completely different and undertook a course in creative writing.
Short stories have brought her some success but this is her first novel.
In the winter months she loves to travel but in the summer she can be found enjoying the hot weather in Greece where she now lives with her husband.
About Michael Terence Publishing
Web: www.mtp.agency
Michael Terence Publishing is a UK-based hybrid publishing house and literary agency founded to give worthy authors a platform to publish their works and to promote their success via online and traditional channels.
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