Pre-war Bradford, 1937.
Fragile and disgraced Rose stands pregnant with the child of her own forceful father.
Rose's daughter Lucy, born into a world of deception, develops into a voluptuous young girl without moral standards but grounded by life's events blossoms into a rare flower.
The consequences of wrongdoings ultimately fall on innocent victims.
This is the story of children born into a web of depravity, of love, understanding and self-sacrifice.
This work is available in multiple formats:
Paperback (376 pages) ISBN 9781521015827
Kindle eBook ASIN B06Y5HRPL5
Pamela BlakeWeb:
Born in Rome, Italy,
Pamela Blake lived fifty years in Scotland.
After raising four children, completing the Diploma in creative writing and a BA Degree in Literary Studies as a mature student at Glasgow University, she could finally start writing.
In 2004, Pamela's autobiography was published by PublishAmerica and later her short play, The Light, was announced a contest winner.
Intertwined Poetry was published by United p.c. and Pamela has achieved recognition for her poetry in Italy, Germany and the USA, appearing through the years in magazines and anthologies.
Eden's Apple is Pamela's full-length debut novel.
About Michael Terence Publishing
Michael Terence Publishing is a UK-based hybrid publishing house and literary agency founded to give worthy authors a platform to publish their works and to promote their success via online and traditional channels.
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