"The Travel Bug Goes Viral" (published by Partridge Singapore) follows the excursions of author Michael SN Godfrey and his wife, Lian.
"Many people have no opportunity to travel to destinations considered to be off the well-beaten track, so (my) goal is to let a reader share the experience, but all from the safety of their armchair," Godfrey says. "The trips have taught us of the inherent friendliness of the local people we have met all over the world, and all that is required is a smile and a greeting to turn suspicion and a frown into a hug or a handshake."
Included are stories of trips to Ladakh in northern India; the delta region of Vietnam; a trek in Upper Mustang, Nepal, for the three-day Tiji Festival; travels around Costa Rica and Panama in Central America; Hokkaido in Japan; snorkeling with whale sharks off Cebu Island in the Philippines; going by road from Yangon to Inle Lake in Myanmar (Burma); Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan and the ancient cities of Khiva, Bukhara and Samarkand; China, taking the southern Silk Route from Kashgar to Xian; to West Timor in Indonesia for audience with the Raja of Boti; Kerala and the backwaters of south western India; finding a "living bridge" in Sumatra, Indonesia; Palawan Island in the Philippines and its underground river; Cuba and old Habana; a climb into an active volcano with the sulphur miners on the Indonesian island of Java.
"The Travel Bug Goes Viral"
By Michael SN Godfrey
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 380 pages | ISBN 9781482855272
E-Book | 380 pages | ISBN 9781482855265
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Michael SN Godfrey was born in London and enjoyed an English public school education after winning a scholarship to Dulwich College in south London. He was trained and qualified as a quantity surveyor with a British construction company before spending much of his working life in Nigeria, Afghanistan, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Malaysia and Mauritius, as well as stints back in England. He is a fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and an associate of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. He retired in Malaysia in 1999 and enjoys traveling to interesting but out-of-the-way destinations with his wife, Lian. He is also author of "Catch the Travel Bug" and "No Cure for the Travel Bug."
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