In his engaging new thriller, "The Trench Coat Killer" (published by AuthorHouse), author Michael Bloodwell pens an engaging murder mystery about a ruthless serial killer disrupting a small town in Indiana.
Something is happening in the community of Blackford, Ind. that no one expected. Not just death, but brutal killings - and the criminals are still out there. At the same time, mysterious strangers renovate an old house and are welcomed to the neighborhood. Now the people of Blackford are beginning to wonder if there is a connection between all of these strange events. They wonder who will survive the Trench Coat Killer?
Written with a unique style, "The Trench Coat Killer" is sure to keep readers guessing about what might happen next.
An excerpt from "The Trench Coast Killer":
"Closer now, steps away from this thing; this walking blur of evil closes the distance. I could only make out a long cape or coat trailing behind. Like an explosion of pure energy, my body responds to what my brain was commanding it to do. I feel my feet pounding the street with the same tempo as my racing heart. Now I know I need to run harder and faster."
"The Trench Coat Killer"
By Michael Bloodwell
Hardcover | 6 x 9 in | 108 pages | ISBN 9781477288658
Softcover | 6 x 9 in | 108 pages | ISBN 9781477288672
E-Book | 108 pages | ISBN 9781477288665
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Michael Bloodwell was born in Cincinnati, later moving to Indiana in 1985. Since that time he has been exploring the small towns as well as the rural areas that make up the Hoosier state. Writing is his lifelong passion and he finds excitement in developing new ideas as well as telling the story from a perspective he hopes is new and different for his readers.
AuthorHouse, an Author Solutions, Inc. self-publishing imprint, is a leading provider of book publishing, marketing, and bookselling services for authors around the globe and offers the industry's only suite of Hollywood book-to-film services. Committed to providing the highest level of customer service, AuthorHouse assigns each author personal publishing and marketing consultants who provide guidance throughout the process. Headquartered in Bloomington, Indiana, AuthorHouse celebrated 15 years of service to authors in Sept. 2011.For more information or to publish a book visit or call 1-888-519-5121. For the latest, follow @authorhouse on Twitter.