CHESTERFIELD, England, Jan. 16, 2018 /PRNewswire/ Shelley Chapman, in her new book, says that the way menopause is viewed really can have a positive or negative affect on symptoms. Chapman, unprepared to give up and accept this stage as the "beginning of the end," viewed it in completely the opposite light and embraced this time as THE time to do something about her symptoms: the way she looked, the way she felt about life and what she wanted out of it. In fact, for her, it was "the beginning of the beginning."
Shelley wrote Menopause Matters because it really does matter that this time of life and beyond becomes one of the happiest. She wants to help other women not only survive, but thrive and feel alive during and after the menopause.
Over 26 chapters, this book is jam packed with all sorts of practical doable advice, hints and tips that women can try to make this stage of their lives a lot easier and hopefully happier. It's also laid out as a journal so that readers can track what works for them and map out the way they envision their life to be.
Within the book, Shelley covers different segments - some that will really help readers, some will make them giggle, and there's even a chapter written by a man!
Menopause Matters: How to Master the Menopause, Survive, Thrive and Feel Alive provides an easy to dip-in, dip-out lighthearted read that can be carried around in one's handbag and referred to at any time. Readers can even show it to their partner so that they get an idea of what their loved one is going through. This stage of life needs to be as stress free and enjoyable as possible and this little book will help women achieve that.
About the author:
Based in Derbyshire, England, Shelley Chapman is a wife and mother of 3 daughters, as well as being in the menopause for over 15 years. During this time, she's dealt with tragedy, loneliness, tough times and vulnerability, but because of how she tackled the menopause, that was not an issue that she had to deal with as well. She helps countless other women with their menopausal journey and many of them are now reaping the benefits of her tuition and guidance.
Menopause Matters. How to Survive, Thrive and Feel Alive, by Shelley Chapman (published by ReSearched Solutions 8th February 2018. RRP 9.99 paperback, RRP 7.99 ebook) is available to purchase from Amazon ISBN: 978-1-9999399-0-8. For more information, please go to
For a review copy or interview request, please contact:
Shelley Chapman
+44 1246 591595
+44 7969 159393
Skype: shelley.chapman93
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