Whether through movies like "The Seventh Sign," books, or devout bible study, the 10 plagues God sent as signs to the Pharaoh of Egypt are well known. Today, miraculous things are happening on author Melissa W. Lake's family farm in West Virginia.
"The Sign of the Red Heifer and the Four Horsemen" is Lake's true story. Upon moving to her new farm, Lake began to notice miraculous things were happening-prophesied signs of the end of days were showing up on Lake's farm.
"The Bible teaches that with God, there are no accidents. If that is the case, then what is happening at my farm is truly miraculous," Lake said.
Her pure red heifer was born in the holy year of Sabbath on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles/Sukkoth in 2007, and her four horses aligned with the four horsemen in the book of Revelations. Crosses started appearing and the Star of David in the lines of Lake's hands. She had visions from God-most amazingly, one was about a new border for Israel.
"I have had more dreams and visions come true since moving to my farm in West Virginia. In one, the Lord showed me a new border for Israel," Lake said. "It was drawn by His own hand for all to see. It follows an earthquake like that took place in February 2008."
These miraculous signs lead to one question-are the Days of our Lord at hand?
For more information, visit 112acresofheaven.com, signoftheredheiferandthefourhorsemen.com or westbowpress.com
"Sign of the Red Heifer and the Four Horsemen"
By: Melissa W. Lake
ISBN: 978-1-4908-3219-7
Available in softcover ($13.95), hardcover ($30.95), e-book ($3.99)
Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and WestBow Press
About the author
Melissa W. Lake was raised in the Midwestern United States and Pennsylvania. She moved to Florida in her teens, where she later earned her associate's degree in legal studies. She moved from Florida in 2004 to a farm in West Virginia, where she homeschools her two youngest children and tends to her animals.
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For review copies or interview requests, contact:
Daniel Pearson