The Pilot's Mate sketches the history of the Anunnaki Lords who 'from the Heavens came down' to mine gold in South Africa and Peru. The 30,000 Nineveh tablets reveal they had bases on Mars and temples in Sumeria.
Celiste, a royal princess, is warned she will see an 'angry, black cloud' that destroys cities. Her people know the air of Mars is losing its atmosphere. They leave their older parents and emigrate to Earth where the men are 'snarled' into the Army of Enlil. Celiste agrees to lead 'her women' to rebuild a village (Arad) west of the Dead Sea. There are problems. Thirty-six women with only four guards means Celiste must warn the men there will be no 'socializing' with the women. One of the guards is accused of abusing a woman; the man escapes to serve the Army of Enlil. The women are warned that war is imminent. Celiste and her women prepare a refuge in the mountains. They are on the path up to their refuge when a brilliant flash of light occurs. Celiste turns to see a 'black, angry cloud' blooming above Sodom. Her mate, meanwhile, goes missing for 90 days. She begins to worry that Deem, a Vimana pilot, has been snared by Inanna, a nortorious seducer of men (as described by the Sumeria tablets).Videos