A wise man once said life is too important to take seriously.
In his new book "Marsh Township Sanitary District," author John Kevin Scariano offers readers a humorous, coming-of-age narrative about his unfortunate teenage summer job - working at a sewage treatment plant.
"People may think they've worked terrible jobs, but nothing compares to the eccentricities of this," Scariano said. "It was profane, entertaining and meaningful all at once."
Based on the real-life experience of Scariano, the book details the realities of working at a sewage treatment plant, urban living and Italian-American families.
Scariano's direct, comedic writing style not only tells an intriguing story, but also provides insight on the diverse subjects of corruption, racism and pollution.
The book also captures the history and feel of 1970s Chicago as Scariano encounters problematic co-workers and grotesque events.
"Marsh Township Sanitary District"
By John Kevin Scariano
ISBN: 978-1-4817-6289-2
Softcover retail price: $14.95
Hardcover retail price: $23.99
E-book price: $3.99
Available online at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
About the Author
John Kevin Scariano is a research assistant professor at University of New Mexico School of Medicine specializing in cancer research. He holds both a doctorate and master's degree in biomedical sciences. A Chicago native, he worked at a sewage treatment plant in Chicago during the summers of 1975 and 1976. His book "Marsh Township Sanitary District" commemorates the hometown, time period and characters he came to know and love.