Calgary, Canada
With today's hectic lifestyles, the search for direction and purpose continues to be an overwhelming challenge for many people trying to balance work and a spiritual relationship.
"The Purpose of Life" explores not only the more abstract questions of religion and meaning, but also how systems like government, education and employment fit in to the larger picture of life and personal development. The guide is designed to inspire reflection and action in developing a relationship with God and self.
Author Mark Kolodziej has coached people in the realms of athletics, management, leadership and parenting, as well as having studied human behavior for the past 30 years. He carries over that success and experience to his work in the hopes of helping others achieve their life purpose and develop their spirituality.
"I'm a practicing Christian who has questioned my beliefs," said Kolodziej. "Because of that doubt, I've been blessed with insight into some of the most perplexing issues facing people today."
By examining the three entities that humans are composed of, including the body, the mind and the soul, Kolodziej brings a well-rounded Christian perspective to the age-old question of purpose.
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"The Purpose of Life"
By: Mark Kolodziej
Hardback: $19.00
Paperback: $12.50
E-Book: $9.99
ISBN: 9781463440855
Available at,,
About the author
Mark Kolodziej is a speaker, teacher, coach and founder of two self-improvement based companies, MARTHA7 and World ICU. He has been studying human behavior for the past 30 years, and continues to share his insights through sessions that address wellness and leadership. He offers a one-day seminar for groups and churches to discuss God, self and community. Kolodziej lives in Calgary, Canada.