Millions of people are living a life short of their true potential as a result of unfair self-judgment. In her new book "Who's Pulling My Strings?" author Mardi Kirkland shows readers the path to greater self-awareness and self-discovery.
Sharing her own experiences, Kirkland's journey shows readers how to courageously eliminate their fear of others' opinions. In "Who's Pulling My Strings?" readers learn how to determine which parts of others' comments about them are a mirror for their own beliefs. In order to create a fulfilling life, one must first lower their walls of resistance to taking the journey inward to healing.
"The most important part of true self-love is disarming self-judgment," said Kirkland. "I felt that all I had learned while going through my own healing process could make a difference, and that inspired me to write this book to help others learn to love themselves for themselves."
After receiving two National Sales Awards from a Fortune 100 company, she realized her success didn't yield her happiness and fulfillment. When Kirkland became aware that only she could define her life and source of happiness from the inside, she made self-discovery and healing her primary career.
"You teach best by sharing your journey and what you learned along the way," said Kirkland. "Sharing this odyssey and healing trek in order to help others was the natural outcome!"
Who's Pulling My Strings?
By Mardi Kirkland
ISBN: 97842592725
Available in softcover, e-book
Available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Balboa Press
About the author
If graduate degrees were given in imprisonment in caring what others think of you and doing whatever it takes to become free, Mardi Kirkland would have PhDs in both subjects. A mother, grandmother, real estate agent, and life-transformation mentor, Mardi currently lives in Scottsdale, Arizona.
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For review copies or interview requests, contact:
Craig Cainkar