In Peruvian Power Foods: 18 Superfoods, 101 Recipes and Anti-aging Secrets from the Amazon to the Andes (HCI Books, October 16, 2013; ISBN: 978-0-75731-722-4; $18.95; Trade Paperback Original), nationally-renowned registered dietitian Manuel Villacorta, with Jamie Shaw and a Foreword by Gastón Acurio, celebrates 18 of the world's greatest superfoods-all of which hail from Peru:
• Manuel Villacorta is an award-winning dietitian with more than 16 years of experience. He is also the author of Eating Free and a contributor for the Huffington Post, Univision, and Fox News Latino;• Manuel traveled back to his homeland of Peru to experience these foods in their natural environment;• Manuel took over 2,000 photos of foods throughout Peru-growing in the wild, from jungles to farms, and showcased in delicious dishes-and created over 100 recipes for the book;• While in Peru, Villacorta spoke with chefs, fishermen, farmers, food bloggers, as well as everyday people across the country to learn how they use these ingredients traditionally;Videos