"Making a Rose After the Diaspora" by Eva Ross is an intimate look into a woman's lifelong journey of overcoming adversity.
Born in Austria in 1929, Ross enjoyed a pleasant childhood until the Nazis invaded Austria. Fleeing to Uruguay with her family, she strived to create a life of joy, success and love while dealing with tragedies, like the death of her father.
The book provides readers with a post-war voyage to current day that the author hopes will serve an inspiring tale of overcoming life's challenges.
"All lives are unique," Ross says. "I wanted to share my story to show that there is always the possibility of coming out ahead."
Ross hopes the book will become a tool to spark conversation with younger generations about World War II and the struggles of Jews in Nazi Austria.
"Making a Rose After the Diaspora"
By Eva E. Ross
Softcover: $22.95, 978-0-59537-842-5
Hardcover: $32.95, 978-0-59567-573-9
E-Book: $3.99, 978-1-46979-613-0
Available at amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com, and iuniverse.com.
About the author
Eva Ross was born in Austria in 1929 and lived a pleasant life until the Nazis invaded her home country. After suffering through the Pogrom of 1938, she escaped with her family to Uruguay in 1939, only to lose her father within six months. She has experienced a variety of professional success and personal developments. Ross currently lives in California with her second husband.
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