Mary Bernadette, a young Vietnamese girl, is caught in the blowback of a CIA operation. She shares the story of this thriller as it unfolds from her grave as CIA operatives rush to capture JFK's second shooter, now a Russian advisor to the Vietcong.
In "Mary Bernadette: Secrets of a Dallas Moon: A Young Vietnamese Girl's Tale from the Grave about the Killing of JFK" (published by Archway Publishing), author John F. Bronzo takes readers on an exciting fictional adventure across the world as the CIA pursues the other man responsible for pulling the trigger on an American president. Unraveling this conspiracy will put innocents in harm's way, result in a tragic tale of love found and then lost and lead to heart-pounding standoffs during the Cold War.
Having always cherished the charismatic president, Bronzo wanted to rewrite the story of JFK's death and bring others on a fictional journey where he could make an international conspiracy theory plausible. The novel particularly focuses on the, "delicate balance between unity and diversity in our society, the liberating nature of the truth and the need to be vigilant in the defense of our freedom."
"Mary Bernadette: Secrets of a Dallas Moon"
By John F. Bronzo
Hardcover | 6 x 9 in | 426 pages | ISBN 9781480819054
Softcover | 6 x 9 in | 426 pages | ISBN 9781480819047
E-Book | 426 pages | ISBN 9781480819061
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
John F. Bronzo found his passion for writing was awakened later in life after he experienced the diverse and inspiring works in The Norton Anthology of American Literature. He lives with his family in New York. This is his first book.
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