This beautifully honed collection of loosely related stories follows the people living in the fictional rural southern Illinois town of Mount Nebo and the surrounding farms.
See the characters and their secrets through the eyes of rural postman Denton Kamermeyerer. The story begins on an early foggy morning at the town's old cemetery, where a woman contemplates the fresh grave of the postman, which is surrounded by the headstones of other major characters in the book. Limestone County Almanac is an unforgettable look back to a simpler time.
Limestone County Almanac (ISBN: 978-1-61204-521-4) is now available for $21.95 and can be ordered through the publisher's website: or at www(dot)amazon(dot)com or www(dot)barnesandnoble(dot)com.
This book is distributed by Ingram Books and other wholesale distributors. Contact your representative with the ISBN for purchase. Wholesale purchase for retailers, universities, libraries, and other organizations is also available through the publisher; please email bookorder(at)aeg-online-store(dot)com.
About the Author:
Lynne Bevan DeMichele is a retired newspaper and magazine editor and writer now living on Puget Sound in Washington. She based the book on some of her father's stories about "the old days" on the farm. She is currently writing her next book, "The Moon Is Always Wild."
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