"Nine Lives in the Air: The Adventures and Misadventures of an Air Force Pilot" (published by Trafford Publishing) started out as nothing more than an effort on the part of the author to create a family historical record. But as the project was taking shape, he became increasingly sensitive with regard to the reality that...only by virtue of the grace of God was... his life spared in at least eight, very specific, narrow escapes from the Grim Reaper, and that he was obligated to bear thankful testimony concerning that fact.
This memoir traces the author's experiences as a United States Air Force commissioned officer and pilot, relating missions of nail biting gravity, and other particularly harrowing situations wherein the author was faced with life-threatening in-flight emergencies. In contrast, some of the vignettes narrated in this book describe situations which range from astonishing...or virtually unbelievable...to others with an almost ridiculously humorous side.
The story of "Nine Lives in the Air" also embodies an inordinate number, level and frequency of career threatening, trial by fire authority confrontations challenging the author's moral beliefs and integrity, all of which had to be met and dealt with head-on. A central theme underlying this memoir is the author's conviction that one should always try their best, never give up and be true to themselves, their Heavenly Father and those who are dear to them.
"Nine Lives in the Air"
By Lt Col Ed Henningson
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 334 pages | ISBN 9781490762746
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 334 pages | ISBN 9781490762722
E-Book | 334 pages | ISBN 9781490762739
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Lt Col Ed Henningson was born in Watervliet, N.Y., where he graduated from high school and entered the service as an aviation cadet in January 1954. He completed Undergraduate Pilot Training at Webb Air Force Base, Big Spring, Texas, received his wings and was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the USAF. During his 26 year military career, he was assigned as either the commander or operations officer of various rescue units or airlift squadrons and ran an Air Training Command Aircraft Maintenance Training Activity. He attended the University of Nebraska at Omaha under the Air Force's Bootstrap Program, and graduated with a bachelor's degree in business management. Following his retirement, he managed the eastern regional office of Aerospace Management Services International. He recently retired as Director, Pax River Operations of General Scientific Corporation in Washington D.C. He has been a licensed PI in New Jersey and Maryland. He and his wife Dee live at Heritage Shores in Bridgeville.
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