In her new book, "Choose Grace: Why Now is the Time" (published by Balboa Press), Loretta Engelhardt illustrates how every person has access to a higher order of existence: grace. She suggests that living within grace assures a love-filled and productive life.
"Choose Grace" is designed to show readers how to release outdated patterns of behavior by helping them recognize and invoke, as Engelhardt says, "grace to live a life committed to service and altruism." She draws upon her stories and memories of choosing grace, inviting readers to explore the expressions and results of grace already in their life. "Grace is all pervasive and accessible to all," she says.
"I want readers to accept that they can live within the laws of grace where the states of grace, such as ease, abundance, beauty, altruism, receptiveness, harmony, pure love and trust, are truly expressed in their daily lives," says Engelhardt.
Engelhardt believes that choosing to live, as she says, "within the higher order of grace," moves people toward liberation. With "Choose Grace" she breathes life into acts of grace, including clarity, joy, freedom, radiance and infinity.
"Choose Grace"
By Loretta Engelhardt
Hardcover | 6 x 9 in | 146 pages | ISBN 9781452571751
Softcover | 6 x 9 in | 146 pages | ISBN 9781452571737
E-Book | ISBN 9781452571744
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Loretta Engelhardt, Ed.D., is an educator, a registered nurse and an entrepreneur, establishing businesses in home healthcare and real estate. Engelhardt has written a PBS television series and has been published in the areas of biofeedback and self-discipline. Engelhardt lives in Sedona, Ariz., with her husband, Ken, and she often travels to visit their five children and families. More information can be found at
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