Lorene Graham, a Pastor of Encouragement at Rivergate Church in Ashland Oregon, has completed her new book "My Search For the Meaning to Life": a powerful and fulfilling chronicle written to close the gaps and support the masses who have not accepted the Lord as their savior.
"My hope is that everyone searching like I was for the "meaning to life" will find what I found when they read my story and begin the greatest journey ever into the unquenchable love of God."
Published by New York City-based Page Publishing, Lorene Graham's guiding tale uses scriptures to depict what existence is like when we do not know the "meaning to life". All is vanity and chasing after the wind, until people come to the knowledge and understanding that there is a wonderful purpose for each individual and an amazing "meaning to life."
That meaning is found in Ecclesiastes 12: 13, "All has been heard. The end of the matter is, Fear God - know that He is, revere and worship Him - and keep His commandments; for this is the whole of man (the full original purpose of His creation, the object of God's providence, the root of character, the foundation of all happiness, the adjustment to all inharmonious circumstances and conditions under the sun), and the whole duty for every man."
Lorene searched for the "meaning to life" for 28 years and almost lost her life in the process, until that radical life changing day when she encountered the love of God through Jesus and found the "meaning to life".
Readers who wish to experience this life changing work can purchase"My Search For the Meaning To Life" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes and Noble.
For additional information or media inquiries, contact Page Publishing at 866-315-2708.
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