The sequel to the award-winning book "Rocky Spirit, the Rocky Balboa Connection to Success" may be written in the very Philadelphia home Rocky purchased after his first fight with Apollo Creed if the book's author has anything to do with it.
Felice Cantatore, the Long Island-based writer who penned "Rocky Spirit, the Rocky Balboa Connection to Success", will be making an offer on the house that was used in the 1979 movie "Rocky II." The1,036-square-foot row house at 2313 S. Lambert Street in Philadelphia was recently put on the market after its 93-year-owned passed away. It features three bedrooms and 1 1/2 bathrooms.
In the movie Rock Balboa buys the home for his wife Adrian with the new found riches he earned fighting Apollo Creed. The exterior the home was used in the scene and has become a popular tourist destination for Rocky movie enthusiasts.
Cantatore, after being notified through social media messages, phone calls, emails and texts, viewed the home last weekend and was excited to see the exterior looking almost identical as it did in the 1979 sequel of the academy award winning film Rocky.
"The outside looked just like I remembered it minus a tree that fell during the recent storm." Cantatore also stated "The interior of the house is outdated and in the need of repairs and upgrades. But the home has the Rocky Spirit, and there is no telling what inspiration can be found by writing the next book inside the home."
"Rocky Spirit, the Rocky Balboa Connection to Success" seizes upon the underdog determination and success strategies used by the film's main character Rocky Balboa as time and again he faced stiff odds to achieve great success. Cantatore, long a devout follower of the films, has built used these lessons in his successful sales and marketing career for more than 20 years.
"Having an opportunity to own this interesting piece of cinema history is intriguing. Through the many connections I have made and nurtured, which is a cornerstone of the book's philosophy, I found about this opportunity. Once again, the Rocky Spirit shows its power," said Canatore. "A part of my book is about attracting connections like this and sometimes you have to take a chance in order to go the distance."
The book Rocky Spirit is currently ranking in the top ten percent of book sales on
For more information on Rocky Spirit, please visit