Author Lisa Edwards says her debut book, "Positive Thinking for Beginners" (published by Balboa Press AU), aids people to recognize and eliminate negative aspects of their world and replace them with positives, which helps them live a happier and more positive life.
"I was inspired to write this book as I wanted to help others recognize the negatives in their life that are holding them back from living the life they have always wanted," Edwards says. "I think this book will appeal to readers that are wishing to improve their life and add positivity... We live in a world that tends to focus predominantly on the negative... (this book) helps its readers to lessen the impact of the negatives whilst adding a little positivity."
An excerpt from "Positive Thinking for Beginners":
Now don't get me wrong. I am not saying that Positive Thinking is going to cure all your problems over night or even cure them at all. You are not going to start thinking positively and then wake up the next day and everything is going to be good in the world.
That's wishful thinking not positive thinking. There is a big difference.
"Positive Thinking for Beginners"
By Lisa Edwards
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 140 pages | ISBN 9781504301978
E-Book | 140 pages | ISBN 9781504301985
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Lisa Edwards used principles of positive thinking to transform her life after hitting rock bottom. She retrained as a life coach and continues to study the impact of positive and negative behaviors. She currently lives in Western Australia with her two children and their dogs. This is her first book. More information is available at
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