"A Dog's Bill of Rights:" an entertaining look into doggie politics. "A Dog's Bill of Rights" is the creation of published author, Lisa Diane Crislip Wilkinson, PhD, inventor of the award winning Patented Diaper With Legs, winner of the Inpex 2011 International Gold Medal Award of Merit, and the winner of the Selective Patent 2009 of the New York Times Year in Ideas.
"Amendment 6-The government should let us be on their tax return and get a refund and a dog bone." Lisa Diane Crislip Wilkinson, PhD
Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Lisa Diane Crislip Wilkinson, PhD's new book is hilarious.
Dogs may be man's best friend, but they have had enough. Eight dogs decide to change the lives of all dogs. Naturally, they take up the cause of dogs everywhere and hold their very own constitutional convention to a Bill of Rights for dogs.
Doggie politics may sound very funny to human; but to dogs, the twenty-three amendments they adopt tell it from a dog's perspective. In the end, they even manage to trick humans into giving them a steak.
View a synopsis of "A Dog's Bill of Rights" on YouTube.
Consumers can purchase "A Dog's Bill of Rights" at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at Amazon.com, Apple iTunes store, Kobo or Barnes and Noble.
For additional information or inquiries about "A Dog's Bill of Rights", contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.