Linda Maria Frank, author of Annie Tillery Mysteries, along with fellow author, Karen Bonnet, will present a program on their journey through self-publishing. This lecture is the last in a series of presentations dealing with "The Art of Writing". The lecturers are all members of Long Island Authors Group, and is hosted by Islip Arts Council.
Frank, educator, author and produced of local access TV's The Writer's Dream, has given a variety of workshops in various venues on writing mysteries, self-publishing and self-marketing.
The "Art of Writing" series of events will excite and delight book lovers, readers and writers. The setting is one of Long Island's historic mansions located in one of Long Island's beautiful South Shore Communities. Explore the art of writing in the intimate museum setting of the Islip Art Museum in this lecture/ workshop series providing a wonderful opportunity for all writers or wannabe writers.
Select one workshop or the entire series. These workshops are designed to spark creativity, encourage self-reflection, and inspire more professional writing.
All sessions are held on Mondays from 10 AM to Noon at Brookwood Hall.
The series is as follows:
Monday, October 21 Introduction to the Art of Writing - Inspiration - Lois W. Stern
Explore, through guided exercises, how art can bring the written word to life, and be expressed in genres as diverse as suspense, fantasy, memoirs, and creative fiction.
Monday, October 28 Together Writers Can Improvise - Lois Kipnis
Join Lois Kipnis, creative arts consultant and co-author of "Together We Can Improvise", in a hands-on workshop on improvisation and writing.
Monday, November 4 The Technical Aspects of Writing - Russ Moran
Artists use paint, clay, stone and other materials. Writers use words. Russ Moran will discuss the tools of the writer, from inspiration and research to putting it down in manuscript form.
Monday, November 18 The Path to Publishing - Getting Published in the Digital Age - Phil Keith
Phil shares the skills which led him to successfully publish award-winning and best-selling books, including tips on getting an agent.
Monday, December 2 Adventures in Self-Publishing & Marketing - Linda Frank and Karen Bonnet
Two authors give a road map for how to self-publish and market books, with valuable practical suggestions that won't leave the writer penniless.
Sunday, Dec. 8 - Free
Long Island Author Book Fair and wrap up of the series
Long Island Authors Group Book Fair and Panel Discussion. Meet the authors of LIAG, who will make signed copies of their books available. Enjoy summary comments on the lecture series, and get acquainted with the diversity of genre, and professional quality of their books.
Make sure to check out Islip Art Museum for the events surrounding the lecture series, especially the Book Exhibit: Sept. 22 to Dec. 28 with opening reception on Oct. 6, and the Art and Antiques Fair on Oct. 19.
Brookwood Hall
50 Irish Lane, East Islip, NY 11730
631- 224-5420
Registration: $100 for complete series
$75 for members
$25 for each session - non-members; $15 members
Call: 631-224-5420 or 224-5402 to register
Only Members in good standing of the Islip Arts Council or the Long Island Authors Group receive member discounts.
To become a member of the Islip Arts Council, call 631-224-5420 or email: info(at)isliparts(dot)org.
For information about becoming a member of the Long Island Authors Group contact: liauthors(at)aol(dot)com
Islip Art Museum Exhibits
50 Irish Lane, East Islip
Thursday and Friday 10 AM - 4 PM
Saturday and Sunday 12 PM - 4 PM
Suggested Donation $5