YA author, Frank, and children's author, Bonnet, relate their journeys in a gesture of authors helping authors.
Frank, author of the Annie Tillery Mysteries series also produces a local access TV show, The Writer's Dream, which provides authors with a platform for marketing their books.
The Bernadette Walsh show, Nice Girls Reading Naughty Books, enables authors to share ideas and trade tips on promoting their books. Click on the title above to hear the entire show.
The interview on Walsh's show touched on topics such as shopping for packages offered by the self-publishing industry, finding free stuff on the Internet, and using social media.
Since marketing is the most difficult aspect of getting a book out there, Frank and Bonnet offer the basics of creating an Internet presence. Special features an author can include are items such as lesson plans, book discussion questions for the books, recipes, and many more.
Click on the video to the right to hear a conversation between Frank and Bonnet.
About Linda Maria Frank
After many years in the teaching profession, Linda Maria Frank, the author of Annie Tillery Mysteries, has launched a new career. Inspired by a childhood passion for the Nancy Drew series and the popular television series, CSI, she successfully married an appealing heroine (Annie Tillery) with gripping story plots to create these new fiction books for mystery readers.
THE MADONNA GHOST has earned the distinctive "Editor's Choice" and "Rising Star" awards. GIRL WITH PENCIL DRAWING, the second book in the series, ramps up the adventure and suspense. Annie stays one step ahead of the bad guys by the skin of her teeth.
Frank recently retired from Adelphi University where she supervised science student teachers. To quote, "Writing, publishing, and marketing books is a full time job, and it's time to change careers."
Today, she collaborates with children's author, Karen Bonnet, to do presentations about their books, and their journeys in self-publishing. Linda and Karen give a portion of the proceeds from their books to the Interfaith Nutritional Network.
Presently, Frank is involved in a project at LTV in East Hampton called "The Writer's Dream," an interview show where authors discuss the many different aspects of the profession. The show is aired on Cablevision 20 and can be seen on YouTube.
Her ultimate goals are: to find an agent who will present her books to the TV or film industries, to find venues to present my books and programs, and to organize book fairs as events for non-profit organizations to raise money.