"The Mystery of the Lost Avenger" (published by Archway Publishing) is a ghost story about Annie Tillery's great-grandmother, Charlotte Wheeler, who was a Women's Air Service pilot testing planes for Grumman Aviation during World War II. When Annie's mother is notified about the wreckage of an Avenger aircraft from 1943 found in rural Appalachia, Annie, her boyfriend and her mother use their detective skills to unravel what Charlotte knew about the crashed plane. The secret lies in letters exchanged between her and her fiancé, Frank.
"The Mystery of the Lost Avenger" is the fourth book in author Linda Maria Frank's mystery series for young readers, called "Annie Tillery Mysteries." The most recent book was inspired by an Avenger aircraft exhibit in the Cradle of Aviation Museum on Long Island. While at the exhibit, Frank climbed into the aircraft and felt, "I have to write a story about these ladies," she says.
"It's not only a fun and romantic adventure, but it gives the reader the meat of forensic science to solve the puzzle of the crashed aircraft," Franks says. "It gives the young reader an historical backdrop that may lead them to read further about the history of their community's involvement in WWII, a period that shaped the world we live in today. I created Annie and Ty (her boyfriend) to be role models to help my readers imagine what they would like to be when they get a chance to choose a life path for themselves."
"The Mystery of the Lost Avenger"
By Linda Maria Frank
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 194 pages | ISBN 9781480831674
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 194 pages | ISBN 9781480831698
E-Book | 194 pages | ISBN 9781480831681
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
After many years in the teaching profession, Linda Maria Frank launched a new career as an author. She also wrote "The Madonna Ghost," "Girl with Pencil Drawing" and "Secrets in the Fairy Chimneys." Frank also has a web series, "The Writer's Dream," available on YouTube. More information is available at http://www.lindamariafrank.com.
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