Lies and Love: Cleansing the Heart to Make Room for Radical Love (Higher Realm Publishing) is a deliberate approach to rid the heart of lingering issues that affect how you think, and limit your capacity to love and be loved. These heart issues or heart "chaos" as Vanessa calls it, includes feeling abandoned, angry, fearful, jealous, holding grudges, being sad, and even hating others. Vanessa says that this chaos will even lie to you, holding you hostage to your past, to keep you from walking in the fullness of who God created you to be.
"What is your heart story?" is the question Vanessa asks in Lies and Love as she shares her own victory over a chaotic heart that started with daddy issues and sexual assault as a teenager. For years, Vanessa questioned her self-worth until God got her attention with his hurricane winds of love and washed away every lie she ever believed. In thirty days, Lies and Love will help you identify your heart chaos, walk you through the cleansing process, and inspire you to receive and give love without limits. Vanessa says the key to unlock your breakthrough and healing is held up in your answer to the question: What is your heart story?
Vanessa D. Werts is an author, military veteran, and minister with a calling to speak value and honor into the lives of women. She has an abiding love to bridge the gap from people's life experiences to the promises of God. Vanessa is a native of Birmingham, Alabama, and currently resides with her family in a suburb of Washington, DC.
Kimberly N. Cabbagestalk, Senior Leader and Founder, Empowered Life Changers Ministries: "Lies and Love 30-Day Heart Cleanse, delivers the keys to enter into every chamber of the heart and liberate us from the enemies of love. As we journey through our heart stories, we discover that when we are honest with ourselves we can heal from the lies that have held us captive from experiencing the "radical love" we deserve. Author Vanessa Werts, guides us on how to conquer our past pains and debilitating mindsets so that we can see ourselves through a new veil of faith and truth and become the channel of the Father's love we were created to be."