Woodham delivers educational animal incursions to schools. She helps children to reconnect with nature through animals. She feels that the natural connection with animals has been weakened with the move off the land and into the city that has occurred for the last few generations. Woodham believes that the bond between animals, people and the environment needs to be given a higher level of importance if people are to become a more environmentally sensitive and humane society, and her poetry reflects this.
Woodham explains that the book is for the reader who is dissatisfied with mankind's disconnection from nature and longs for a more harmonious existence. She also hopes that the book may encourage the readers to think more deeply about their actions and about nature and how every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
"I wrote (the book) in the hope that it might find some people who think as I do and start a little revolution in the minds of those people," Woodham states. "And then we may be able to influence others to think about what they are doing in their own backyards instead of pointing their fingers at others."
"A Timely Revolution: A Collection of Verses"
By Leonie J Woodham
Softcover | 7.5x9.25 in | 118 pages | ISBN 9781504312639
E-Book | 118 pages | ISBN 9781504312646
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Leonie J Woodham is married, with five grown children and six grandchildren. She is also a poet and an author. Growing up on a farm allowed her the freedom to explore the bush and develop a love for nature. Woodham's love of animals eventually led her to start her business "Animals on the Move" which has been taking animal incursions to schools for 25 years.
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