Venita Mitchell is one of the four biological children of the late Honorable Yahweh Ben Yahweh. Her new book offers, for the first time ever, a look into her family life before her father went on to found and lead the Nation of Yahweh.
"My father, who I believe I can prove is God's only begotten son, was arrested and died without dignity under the watch of the U.S. penal system," Mitchell said. "I seek to accomplish one thing more than anything else: show the world that they have been deceived with untruths about his works."
Mitchell's book, "The Biological Children of Yahweh Ben Yahweh Speak Out", is the only way to learn the details about this fascinating man from the perspective of one of his actual children.
Many Americans may have heard or read about the story of Yahweh Ben Yahweh and the accusations leveled against him many years ago. This is their opportunity to hear the other side of the story.
About the author - Venita Mitchell is one of the four biological children of Yahweh Ben Yahweh, founder of the Nation of Yahweh and believed to be the only Son of God. She wrote this new book because she sought to finally clear his name.