Whether it's climate change or the economic battle for control of rare earth elements, former top intelligence officer and award-winning thriller writer Bernard Besson knows how to set an entertaining, action-packed espionage story on the backdrop of today's geopolitical landscape. For James Bond fans, there are plenty of sophisticated gadgets, fiendishly complex puzzles and clever use of technology. And readers who look beneath the glossy, high-paced surface, will find a thought-provoking plea to re-examine the way we live and act today.
In his new spy novel-The Rare Earth Exchange-a Paris-based team of independent operatives gets drawn into a world of high-speed trading, international corruption, and the battle for control of rare earth elements, which are key to modern technology. Besson's takes readers from Paris to Malaysia and into the dark, violent corners of today's geopolitics.
Pre-order The Rare Earth Exchange now at a low launch price.
Post-Panama Papers reality
Besson's plotline was prescient when it debuted in France, but today the thriller's events have become quite timely. The Rare Earth Exchange recounts a world where professionals in the art of corruption use money embezzled from public finances to make juicy investments in high-frequency trading. According to Besson, who in addition to being a thriller writer runs an economic intelligence consultancy, "After the Panama Papers scandal, political corruption and tax evasion won't just stop. It will relocate, and risk management professionals-aka the mafia-will take over." At least that's what happens in The Rare Earth Exchange.
Besson has authored ten thrillers to date in French, and the first novel to be published in English, The Greenland Breach was a stylish cli-fi spy novel with environmental catastrophe, geopolitical fallout, freelance spies and Bond-like action.
Read a sneak preview of The Rare Earth Exchange here.
Rare Earth Exchange
by Bernard Besson; translated by Sophie Weiner - Adapted and published by Le French Book - ISBN: 9781939474636 (e-book)/ 9781939474629 (trade paperback) - First published in French (Partage des Terres, Editions Odile Jacob, Paris) - Release: June 28, 2016.
About Le French Book
Founded in 2011, Le French Book is an independent book publisher focused on bringing France's best mysteries and thrillers to new readers across the English-speaking world. For more information, please visit: http://www.lefrenchbook.com.
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