Larry Thompson, an accomplished writer, has completed his first book "This Land has become like the Garden of Eden": an inspirational work which illustrates the healing power of belief and the freedom and truth the Holy Spirit brings to light.
Published by New York City-based Page Publishing, Larry Thompson's reverent words will focus the reader's mind and soul on faith while meditatively leading a journey through the grace of God's love.
"Just like the wedding ring that goes round and round, the love of Jesus never stops." Larry Thompson glorifies God and His word through wonderful poetry. "My spirit feels lifted in awe. God makes beautiful the old and the dying." "This Land has become like the Garden of Eden" presents page after page of heartfelt and sincere poems that exalt God. "He paid the price so you could be true. So raise up your hands. Lift your heart up high." Readers should not deny themselves of the privilege of looking into the window of a man's soul, a man deeply touched by the goodness of the Lord, and of looking into their souls as well, as his words embed themselves into the heart, the very core.
Readers who wish to experience this jubilant work can purchase"This Land has become like the Garden of Eden" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes and Noble.
For additional information or media inquiries, contact Page Publishing at 866-315-2708.
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