Although there have been positive strides in the women's rights movement, current events such as the sexist music, workplace discrimination and high profile domestic abuse have many wondering how much progress has actually occurred.
Author, Sandra Steiner, believes their needs to be more strong female roles in modern literature and has made it a point to position a brave young woman as the protagonist in her new "Spring Island" trilogy of books.
"Young women are in need of positive female role models," Steiner said. "By increasing the number of inspiring female characters in modern novels we can improve the global perception of women."
Her newest book, "Live For Today" covers emotional topics such as love, memories and moving past a loss. The book provides a suspenseful and exciting plot while addressing real life issues and emotions that impact millions.
"Live For Today"
By Sandra Steiner
ISBN: 978-1-4907-3987-8
Available at: Amazon, Trafford and Barnes and Noble online bookstores
About the Author
Sandra Steiner holds a bachelor's degree in education. For the last 20 years she has been working in the accounting field. Since the death of her teenage daughter in 2004, she has inspired positive thinking for many through her writing and sharing of her experiences. For more information about Sandra please visit