"Jesus' secret wife is history's most important secret and greatest love story," writes author L. Sahra Renata, Ph.D. She writes about their relationship, sacred love and destiny's divine plan in her new book, "The Book of Sahra, Jesus' Secret Wife" (published by AuthorHouse).
According to Renata, Jesus was married to a woman named Sahra. "This is a haunting and sacred tale that lyrically uncovers essential truths about our world and our own innate connection to the Divine," the author explains. "Everyone will want to read this book and discover the deeper meaning of events 2000 years ago and their relevance to human destiny and the world today. This is a book for all who appreciate divine romance and the experience of eternal love."
An excerpt from "The Book of Sahra":
"I had come with the truth of full divine love my loved one to reach, and in kissing His feet a lesson of love I would teach. I wept with my love and drenched His feet as with tears from my heart volumes of words did I speak. From the room I felt hate arise, and jealousy I could sense in every one's eyes. The ire that I, a woman, could meet His fire, the look in His eyes mirroring His heart's desire. I wanted them to see that He was also just a man who loved, loved above all a woman, me. Not above worldly love, a man and a woman in a world of divine love. I wept wildly and held His feet, all the while I could hear both our hearts beat. With full realization and a heavy heart, I had just completed my ritual of love, when the protests did start. There came a sudden babble of voices in anger. Yeshua raised His hand, and, with the quiet but unequivocal tones of the Master, He commanded their attention until the protestations subsided, then insisted, with calm presence regained, that they from all form of criticism refrain, that they look at my face and witness my love and my pain. He explained to them that my love was pure and my pain was no sin, that the love of a woman was always divine, that the way to the soul could be found through crying, that what opened the heart was to the self dying. After some time when it seemed their questions would never cease, nor would they their entrenched ideas of women release, He blessed me before their disbelief, and taking my hand together we took our leave."
"The Book of Sahra"
By L. Sahra Renata
Softcover | 8.5 x 11 in | 140 pages | ISBN 9781481793674
E-Book | ISBN 9781481793681
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
L. Sahra Renata is a mystic, visionary, artist, writer and poet, with a master's degree in spiritual philosophy and a doctorate in metaphysics. She is a leading authority on sacred art and healing. More information is available at http://www.bookofsahra.com.
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