While living in New York City and engaging with the writing community, Kyle Styron found writers to be jaded in a certain way when it comes to looking for material, and drawing on their life experiences. This observation made him question the ethics of how writers should "utilize" their experiences, particularly negative ones involving others and thus, it resulted in him writing his own book.
"Disintegral" (published by Xlibris) is about a writer named Jed Haele who may be a telepathic that triggers violence in people. He meets a mentally unstable person named Shane Lasch, and tries to exploit his instability for material for his next book, but then Shane begins to suspect Jed is a telepathic who triggers violence around them.
"This book is a fast paced thriller, with a wicked sense of humor and it has no flab," Styron said. "People read books and get bored over pages where nothing happens. In my book, the pacing is a key, every detail and scene is important, and it transpires with a cool efficiency," he added.
"Disintegral" is an entertaining and engaging read. The author hopes readers will enjoy reading his novel as he giddily anticipates them appreciating the humor, the odd violence and the thrills.
By Kyle Styron
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 170 pages | ISBN 9781499065497
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 170 pages | ISBN 9781499065503
E-Book |170 pages | ISBN 9781499065480
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Kyle Styron is a lifelong resident of Queens and considers himself a proud "townie." He graduated from St John's University with a degree in English and Economics in 2001. He has a myriad of bizarre interests, including following network television ratings, seeking out obscure independent films, and early American Gothic fiction. He still occasionally frequents the nightlife of New York City, but mostly sticks to karaoke, with a preference for 1970s singer-songwriters' hits.
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